Get Pronto ontology objects#

When it comes to ontology defined vocabularies, such as cell type, tissue, disease, and phenotype, Pronto Ontology object can be accessed via {entity}.to_pronto()

import bionty_base as bt

Basic fields: name, ontology_id, definition, synonyms, children#

These fields are parsed into the DataFrame(df()) and lookup object to be directly accessible

public = bt.Disease()

Entity: Disease
Organism: all
Source: mondo, 2023-08-02
#terms: 26509

📖 .df(): ontology reference table
🔎 .lookup(): autocompletion of terms
🎯 .search(): free text search of terms
✅ .validate(): strictly validate values
🧐 .inspect(): full inspection of values
👽 .standardize(): convert to standardized names
🪜 .diff(): difference between two versions
🔗 .to_pronto(): Pronto.Ontology object
name definition synonyms parents
MONDO:0000001 disease A Disease Is A Disposition To Undergo Patholog... medical condition|diseases and disorders|other... []
MONDO:0000002 obsolete 46,XX sex reversal None None []
MONDO:0000003 obsolete 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase defic... None None []
MONDO:0000004 adrenocortical insufficiency An Endocrine Or Hormonal Disorder That Occurs ... adrenocortical insufficiency|adrenal cortical ... [MONDO:0002816]
MONDO:0000005 alopecia, isolated None None [MONDO:0021034]
lookup = public.lookup()
lookup_record = lookup.alzheimer_disease

Disease(ontology_id='MONDO:0004975', name='Alzheimer disease', definition='A Progressive, Neurodegenerative Disease Characterized By Loss Of Function And Death Of Nerve Cells In Several Areas Of The Brain Leading To Loss Of Cognitive Function Such As Memory And Language.', synonyms="Alzheimer dementia|Alzheimer disease|Alzheimer's disease|presenile and senile dementia|Alzheimers disease|Alzheimer's dementia|Alzheimers dementia|AD", parents=array(['MONDO:0001627', 'MONDO:0005574'], dtype=object))
'A Progressive, Neurodegenerative Disease Characterized By Loss Of Function And Death Of Nerve Cells In Several Areas Of The Brain Leading To Loss Of Cognitive Function Such As Memory And Language.'

Synonyms are concatenated into a string with bars |:

"Alzheimer dementia|Alzheimer disease|Alzheimer's disease|presenile and senile dementia|Alzheimers disease|Alzheimer's dementia|Alzheimers dementia|AD"

Parents with distance=1 can be directly accessed:

array(['MONDO:0001627', 'MONDO:0005574'], dtype=object)

.to_pronto(): Pronto Ontology#

More hierarchical information can be accessed from the Pronto Ontology object:

pronto_object = public.to_pronto()
💡 downloading Disease ontology source file...

Ontology('/home/runner/work/bionty-base/bionty-base/bionty_base/_dynamic/ontology_all__mondo__2023-08-02__Disease', timeout=100)
term = pronto_object.get_term("MONDO:0004975")

Term('MONDO:0004975', name='Alzheimer disease')
list(term.subclasses(distance=2, with_self=False))
[Term('MONDO:0010422', name='Alzheimer disease 16'),
 Term('MONDO:0014036', name='Alzheimer disease 17'),
 Term('MONDO:0014265', name='Alzheimer disease 18'),
 Term('MONDO:0014316', name='Alzheimer disease 19'),
 Term('MONDO:0100087', name='familial Alzheimer disease'),
 Term('MONDO:0007089', name='Alzheimer disease 2'),
 Term('MONDO:0015140', name='early-onset autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease')]

Extra fields#

ExperimentalFactor parses Experimental Factor Ontology to the following additional categories for describing biological experiments:

  • molecule

  • instrument

  • measurement

public = bt.ExperimentalFactor()
name definition synonyms parents molecule instrument measurement
EFO:0000001 experimental factor An Experimental Factor In Array Express Which ... ExperimentalFactor [] None None None
EFO:0000002 CS57511 Cs57511 Is An Arabidopsis Thaliana Strain As D... None [] None None None
EFO:0000003 CS57512 Cs57512 Is An Arabidopsis Thaliana Strain As D... None [] None None None
EFO:0000004 CS57515 Cs57515 Is An Arabidopsis Thaliana Strain As D... None [] None None None
EFO:0000005 CS57520 Cs57520 Is An Arabidopsis Thaliana Strain As D... None [] None None None
lookup = public.lookup()

Look up a molecular readout:

lookup_record = lookup.single_cell_rna_sequencing
ExperimentalFactor(ontology_id='EFO:0008913', name='single-cell RNA sequencing', definition='A Protocol That Provides The Expression Profiles Of Single Cells Via The Isolation And Barcoding Of Single Cells And Their Rna, Reverse Transcription, Amplification, Library Generation And Sequencing.', synonyms='scRNA-seq|single cell RNA sequencing|single-cell transcriptome sequencing|single-cell RNA-seq', parents=array(['EFO:0001457', 'EFO:0007832'], dtype=object), molecule='RNA assay', instrument='single cell sequencing', measurement=None)
'RNA assay'
'single cell sequencing'

Lookup a phenotypic readout:

ExperimentalFactor(ontology_id='EFO:0004134', name='tumor size', definition='The Physical Size Of A Tumor.', synonyms='size of tumor', parents=array(['EFO:0001444'], dtype=object), molecule=None, instrument=None, measurement='tumor size')

Comparing ontology versions#

Bionty provides bionty_base.PublicOntology.diff() to determine a diff between two ontology versions.

disease_old = bt.Disease(source="mondo", version="2023-04-04")
disease_new = bt.Disease(source="mondo", version="2023-02-06")

new_entries, modified_entries = disease_old.diff(disease_new)
name definition synonyms parents
MONDO:0000001 disease A Disease Is A Disposition To Undergo Patholog... disorders|medical condition|other disease|dise... NaN
MONDO:0000437 cerebellar ataxia A Neurological Syndrome Characterised By Clums... spinocerebellar Degeneration|ataxia syndrome NaN
MONDO:0000476 generalized dystonia None dystonia deformans progressiva|generalized iso... NaN
MONDO:0000866 hereditary myoglobinuria None None NaN
MONDO:0001142 salivary gland disorder A Disease Involving The Saliva-Secreting Gland. salivary gland disorder|disease of saliva-secr... NaN
name definition synonyms
self other self other self other
MONDO:0000001 disease disease or disorder NaN NaN NaN NaN
MONDO:0000437 NaN NaN NaN NaN spinocerebellar Degeneration|ataxia syndrome spinocerebellar Degeneration|ataxia|ataxia syn...
MONDO:0000476 NaN NaN NaN NaN dystonia deformans progressiva|generalized iso... dystonia deformans progressiva
MONDO:0000866 hereditary myoglobinuria myoglobinuria NaN NaN NaN NaN
MONDO:0001142 NaN NaN NaN NaN salivary gland disorder|disease of saliva-secr... salivary gland disorder|disease of saliva-secr...